Illinois State Poetry Society
Haiga Gallery - April, 2018
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A haiga is a single haiku embedded in an image. Haiga here are arranged in the order received.

Haiga Index Page

spring rain again by Charlotte Digregorio

Minotaur's maze by Tom Chockley

touch of wind by Kathy Cotton

Knowing it all is by Frank Hubeny

flickering flame by Susan B. Auld

Ocean rides in, out. by Emma Alexandra Kowalenko

Opening their hearts by Alan Harris

Haiga by Charlotte Digregorio
Charlotte Digregorio

Haiga by Tom Chockley
Tom Chockley

Haiga by Kathy Cotton
Kathy Cotton

Haiga by Frank Hubeny
Frank Hubeny

Haiga by Susan B. Auld
Susan B. Auld

Haiga by Emma Alexandra Kowalenko
Emma Alexandra Kowalenko

Haiga by Alan Harris
Alan Harris

Haiga Index Page