Illinois State Poetry Society
About the Illinois State Poetry Society
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About ISPS

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ISPS History

The Illinois State Poetry Society was chartered in 1991 at the yearly convention of the National Federation of State Poetry Societies held in Madison, Wisconsin. ISPS was formed "to encourage the crafting and enjoyment of poetry in the State of Illinois...." From its twelve charter members, ISPS has grown to about 150 members and is actively working at its mandate.

More complete ISPS history (PDF)

ISPS Board Members

  • President: Mary Beth Bretzlauf
  • Past President: Susan T. Moss
  • Vice President: Gay Guard Chamberlin
  • Secretary: Tom Chockley
  • Treasurer: Marjorie Rissman
  • At Large & Webmaster: Alan Harris
  • "William Shakespeare" and Historian: Lennart Lundh
  • Newsletter Editor: Jennifer Dotson

Chapter Facilitators

  • Southern: Kathy Cotton
  • Central: Jim O'Brien
  • West Suburban: Caroline Johnson
  • Haiku: Tom Chockley
  • Founding: Wilda Morris
  • North Suburban: Mary Beth Bretzlauf
  • North Central: Kathleen Murphy

Past ISPS Presidents

  1. Glenna Holloway (Founding President)
  2. William Marr
  3. Phil Zurowski
  4. Don Cornwell
  5. Larry Turner
  6. Mardelle Fortier
  7. Alan Harris
  8. Wilda (Wendy) Morris
  9. John Quinn
  10. Susan T. Moss

Archive of Recent Presidents' Messages

Membership Requirements and Privileges

Membership in the ISPS is $20.00 per year, which includes membership in NFSPS (National Federation of State Poetry Societies). ISPS members may have their poems published on our website (see Submitting Poems for details). Members receive the NFSPS quarterly publication Strophes and may enter NFSPS competitions. The ISPS newsletter Illinois Poets is emailed to all members bi-monthly. ISPS members are admitted free to ISPS seminars and lectures.

Members who wish to pay at least $30 for a year's dues will be listed on the ISPS Web site home page as Patrons. Members who wish to pay at least $50 for a year's dues will be listed as Benefactors.


Currently we have seven ISPS chapters.

  • The Founding Chapter meets on Zoom at 1:00 p.m. on the first Sunday of February, April, June, August, October and December.
  • The North Suburban Chapter meets on Zoom at 1:00 p.m. on the second Sunday of January, March, May (third Sunday), July, September, and November.
  • The North Central Chapter meets on Zoom on the second Saturday of even-numbered months: February, April, June, August, October, and December at 1:00 p.m.
  • The Central Chapter meets on Zoom as announced in Upcoming Meetings.
  • The Southern Chapter meets in Carbondale on the second Sunday of January, March, May, July, September, and November at 1:30 p.m. in the Carbondale Public Library.
  • The West Suburban Chapter meets in Darien on the first Saturday of the odd-numbered months: January, March, May, July, September, and November at the Indian Prairie Public Library at 1:00 p.m.
  • The Haiku Chapter meets on Zoom at 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the third Sunday of the even-numbered months: February, April, June, August, October, and December.
On occasion, a meeting date or location is changed, so it is wise to verify the date, time, and location before attending. Check Upcoming Meetings on the ISPS home page.

Within the fellowship of our common interest in poetry, we read to each other our current work for comments and suggestions. Sometimes ISPS also sponsors workshops or readings.

How To Join ISPS

To join, please print and fill out the membership form and mail it with your check for the yearly dues of $20.00 to ISPS c/o Marjorie Rissman, 1100 Kent Avenue, Highland Park IL 60035. Also, please send a short bio of yourself for our website so that you can be introduced to the rest of the membership on our website. You can email it to Alan Harris at